Remembrance Day Video “My Home” from Don Sawchuk

Remembrance Day Video “My Home” from Don Sawchuk

Please Like & Share this Video by Don Sawchuk. Hello, Here’s a quick note of introduction to a timely video I’m releasing featuring "My Home" for Remembrance Day which was filmed at my local Royal Canadian Legion in Guelph during a special presentation on June 6th...

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My new record, Underdog, is now available!

My new record, Underdog, is now available!

To start with the main course – my latest record Underdog is now 100% complete! It’s ready and pressed into CDs and Vinyl Records, ready now for purchase and also now Streaming and Downloads on major Music Services. I've also been booking quite a few small shows in...

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Who is the Underdog?

Dear Fans: Who is the Underdog? Don Sawchuk has been observing the world and how we interact with one another, digging deep to understand this question. What is forthcoming is Don’s answer. Don’s new work Underdog speaks to the insecurity, un-lovability and smallness...

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He did WHAT?!?!? Is it true?

I want to thank everyone for tuning in to the goings on of my musical endeavours. Of course, I want to welcome all of the new faces I’ve met along the way at places like Hillside, SongStudio, Ark Fest, the Regal Road Studio concert series with the Hazy Maidens, et....

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Where the real work starts

This summer has been a terrific opportunity to meet a number of great people - fans and musicians alike. Honestly, I can't remember when I've had so much summertime fun, met so many cool people, and enjoyed every musical moment. I want to extend a warm welcome to all...

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What’s going on?

What a rush this Spring has been, with the crazy wintery weather and warm muggy days, pressing for a summer appearance sooner than expected. I love it when I meet people that refuse to allow the weather to dictate their sunny disposition. What's the line… oh yeah,...

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Pink Floyd Live…

I want to take a moment to let you know about an upcoming event that is been in the works for months and is shaping up to be quite a spectacular expression of art and music. Ida Brown has adapted the William Goulding novel Lord of the Flies into a theatrical...

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Don’s Update…

I want to welcome all the new subscribers - it's spectacular having a growing community of supporters that appreciate music and the craft of songwriting. Thank you for your encouragement! Although Spring is just around the corner, I can't wait for the warm weather, so...

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It’s 2013 and there’s music to be made and played

Well Happy New Year Everyone, It's so great to be among those who love music and appreciate what it has to offer for the performer and the listener alike. So, my email updates seem to be coming out once a season - not much of a strain on your inbox, that's good, but...

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