Well Happy New Year Everyone,
It’s so great to be among those who love music and appreciate what it has to offer for the performer and the listener alike.
So, my email updates seem to be coming out once a season – not much of a strain on your inbox, that’s good, but it truly is time to touch base.
What a year it’s been. I’ve had the freedom to travel all over the US and Canada playing music, making friends and enjoying experiences of a lifetime. I’ve got some great stories to share from my first year as a full time songwriter so I’ve decided to capture them in a blog that I’ll be posting in the coming weeks. Please stay tuned for that.
I mentioned previously during my time with the League Of Rock in Toronto that I was featured along with my Song “No Place To Go” on Guitar Picks TV hosted by Kim Mitchell. Well that video aired recently and I’m really pleased with the results. Have a look at the program at the following link and please let me know what you think by posting your comments on youtube.
I hope you’re as excited about 2013 as I am.
I’ve got plans to write more, play more, record more and make my music available to everyone.
I’ve got a trip booked this spring to go down to Nashville to write, perform, pitch and see what that music town is all about.
You’ll find me attending SongStudio 2013 and helping out with Member Relations for the League Of Rock, two organizations that have helped me realize how songwriting as a vocation is possible.
This is the year I plan to focus my efforts to make my musical dreams a reality. I’d love it if you’d join me for the journey.
Cheers, Don.
Don Sawchuk
Building community one song at a time.
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