This summer has been a terrific opportunity to meet a number of great people – fans and musicians alike. Honestly, I can’t remember when I’ve had so much summertime fun, met so many cool people, and enjoyed every musical moment.

I want to extend a warm welcome to all the new people now receiving this update, and I want to say hi to those that have been keeping up with me for a while now.

The community here that we are a part of has been a source of edification and inspiration to me. I thank each of you for your encouragement, support and love.

It’s been two years now that I’ve not had a job to go to and I’ve really enjoyed the freedom. However, I look back and see that I’ve spent a lot of time enjoying people’s company, living life, traveling and playing music, but I haven’t been very disciplined or focused on writing and recording. In fact, I’ve got lots of songs that are in the works that need my attention to finish.

When I, or most songwriters I imagine, write a song, the first draft is really quite easy, fun and exciting. Where the real work starts, where the heavy lifting occurs, is in the re-writing process. It’s the editing and re-writing that takes a song from good to great. What better time than the present change of seasons to enter into and embrace the re-writing process.

This week I’ve spent some time revisiting works in progress and have managed to make good headway on three songs that I feel are good but have the potential to be great. I’ll be playing these songs at open mic opportunities to test drive them, if you will, and gage listener’s response.

You have an open invitation to let me know your impressions of the new material you hear. The songs I’m writing aren’t meant for me, they’re meant for YOU! Your opinion is valuable feedback for me and is always welcome. 🙂

Below you’ll find a listing of my upcoming gigs. You’ll also find these and other interesting tidbits on my website:

Of special note is tonight’s wrap to summer at the BrewHouse in Fergus. Come out to hear some music, get a bite to eat, have a refreshing libation and say hi!

Cheers, Don.

Don Sawchuk
Building community one song at a time.