Dear Fans:

Who is the Underdog?

Don Sawchuk has been observing the world and how we interact with one another, digging deep to understand this question. What is forthcoming is Don’s answer.

Don’s new work Underdog speaks to the insecurity, un-lovability and smallness in us all and our unquenchable ability to rise up and overcome our own self-defeating beliefs and the negative and oppressive opinions of those around us.

It is honest, it is us pure, and it captures the emotional movement of downward struggle towards a defiant overcoming. Sometimes it may dip back and forth: we become the Underdog time and again – with each overcoming we are thrown back into struggle, but no matter, we keep overcoming – the Underdog remains persistent.

This new piece centers the listener and communicates this message with ear catching melodies. From classic rock n’ roll to adult contemporary influences, Don has created a diverse palate of sounds with a message that speaks to all of us – maybe in different ways, but it allows space for everyone.

Stay tuned – You will soon find yourself within Don Sawchuk’s soon to be released full length album Underdog.


Adam & Braeden,
MazeKey Media & Two Take Writing